Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Tugas Softskill (Puisi)

karya:  Chairil  Anwar

Kami sama pejalan larut
Menembus Kabut
Hujan mengucur badan
Berkakuan kapal-kapal di pelabuhan

Darahku mengental pekat. Aku tumpat padaf

Siapa berkata-kata ………?
Kawanku hanya rangka saja
Karma dera mengelucak tenaga

Dia bertanya jam berapa ?

Sudah larut sekali
Hilang tenggelam segala makna
Dan gerak tak punya arti

karya:  Chairil  Anwar

kelam dan angin lalu mempesiang diriku,
menggigir juga ruang di mana dia yang kuingin,
malam tambah merasuk, rimba jadi semati tugu

di Karet, di Karet (daerahku y.a.d) sampai juga deru dingin
aku berbenah dalam kamar, dalam diriku jika kau datang
dan aku bisa lagi lepaskan kisah baru padamu;
tapi kini hanya tangan yang bergerak lantang
tubuhku diam dan sendiri, cerita dan peristiwa berlalu beku.

Karya : Supardi  Djoko Damono

Pada suatu hari nanti,
Jasadku tak akan ada lagi,
Tapi dalam bait-bait sajak ini,
Kau tak akan kurelakan sendiri.

Pada suatu hari nanti,
Suaraku tak terdengar lagi,
Tapi di antara larik-larik sajak ini.

Kau akan tetap kusiasati,
Pada suatu hari nanti,
Impianku pun tak dikenal lagi,
Namun di sela-sela huruf sajak ini,
Kau tak akan letih-letihnya kucari.

karya : Eka Budianta

Seekor penyu pulang ke laut
Setelah meletakkan telurnya di pantai
Malam ini kubenamkan butir-butir
Puisiku di pantai hatimu
Sebentar lagi aku akan balik ke laut.

Puisiku – telur-telur penyu itu-
mungkin bakal menetas
menjadi tukik-tukik perkasa
yang berenang beribu mil jauhnya
Mungkin juga mati
Pecah, terinjak begitu saja

Misalnya sebutir telur penyu
menetas di pantai hatimu
tukik kecilku juga kembali ke laut
Seperti penyair mudik ke sumber matahari
melalui desa dan kota, gunung dan hutan
yang menghabiskan usianya

Kalau ombak menyambutku kembali
Akan kusebut namamu pantai kasih
Tempat kutanamkan kata-kata
yang dulu melahirkan aku
bergenerasi yang lalu

Betul, suatu hari penyu itu
tak pernah datang lagi ke pantai
sebab ia tak bisa lagi bertelur
Ia hanya berenang dan menyelam
menuju laut bertemu langit
di cakrawala abadi

Karya : Soni Farid Maulana
hujan, curahkan berkahmu yang hijau
pada lembah hatiku.
puaskan dahaga tumbuhan,
hingga jiwaku terasa segar membajak kehidupan.

di pinggir jendela aku ingat benar tahun lalu
aku masih kanak, bersenda gurau, bernyanyi riang,
 memutar-mutar payung hitam di bawah curahmu;
yang berkilauan bagai perak disentuh matahari.

o, hujan. Puaskan dahaga jiwaku
agar hidupku menyeruak bagai tumbuhan
 menjemput Cahaya Maha Cahaya

Of the five poems above, I liked the poem titled "Temanku dan Aku"  because it tells the story of friendship, for better or worse they will always be together. and I hope I get even one. This world is too cruel not to have them. maybe some people think "it's okay not to have them as long as we have a family" but to me when telling about something bad to the families will be no fear for disappointment. I've read that humans have 3 mask, the first mask for a family, two masks to the public, and the third to a friend. three masks to show something crazy about ourselves. and I agree. even though without reducing the presence of family.

Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Tugas Softskill (B. Inggris 2)

The Place That I want to visit

Nama: Ratna
Kelas: 4EA11
Npm: 16212043

countries that really i want to visit is New Zeland. from some of the blogs that i read and see New Z eland is a place filled by mountains and hiills. New Zeland have placs that i found very interesting, example: Fiorland National Park, Milford Sound,Kaikoura and Abel Tazman National Park. The place was very interesting because i think the place was able to make me forget all my problems. with a view of the mountains, the hills, the sound of the waves, the wind thay blows, animals which are around it really is able to make me comfortable and peacefull.

Fiorland National Park is a place that was founded in 1952 and is located on an area of 1,2 million hectares.Besides spacious this place also has many locations glaciers are already in shape with a very deep fjords. Blue water surrounded by hills make anyone who sees it felt really comfortable.

 Milford Sound a place whose beauty can't be described with words, although i have only seen via the internet and if it rains then there will be a lot of waterfalls down a cliff

kaikoura, small beach on the southern island. according to the website here we can see seals, dolphins, sperm whales, albatrosses offshore. and is a haven for seafood lovers.

Abel Tazman national park, The park was established in 1942 with an area of 225.33 km. This national park is the smallest national park in New Zealand, this place is beautiful.with views over the hill like the pictures certainly make people who were there really feel "free". I hope one day I can come to this place.


Tugas Softskill (B. Inggris 2)

 Plans After Graduation

Nama: Ratna
Kelas :4ea11
Npm :16212043

After graduating in fact i want to open a business, but before that i want to work in the company first. Why work at the company? in addition to capital i also want to know the market share that i ccan achive, as well the experience.  by working in the company i can add link and reference to business i want to do later. if the desire to open up business achieved i want to open a buisiness in the area of foof. Because i think everyone would need food and no oe who does not eat so it seem like it is the business that generate profits.

i want to open a business because my father was an enterpreneur and i often help, at that time i ever had to try on part time job. after i compare working with other and open a business, both of which are tiring but very different sense of satisfaction, a sense of statisfaction that come with opening a buusiness is great than working with others. considering the profit obtained also for us not others.

Another reason is because i want to develop a business that my father founded i think if i wa able to develop this business then it will be a prode for my parents. so like any way i should able entrepreneurship. either build it yourself or continue withmy father business.

Selasa, 26 April 2016

Sofskill (Bahasa inggris 2)

All the Light We Cannot See (Anthony Doerr)

The severity of the second world war period behind the story of Marie-Laure blind and a German engineer named Werner Pfennig. marie live with his father in Paris near the Museum of Natural History, where her father worked and assigned guard valuable diamond named "Sea of ​​Flames". According to legend anyone who has a "sea of ​​flames" can not die yet loved ones will get endless misfortune.

When he was 6 years old, Marie-Laure became blind and her father build a perfect miniature of the surrounding environment so that he can remember everything by touching and exploring her way home. Marie learned to read Braille and her father gave her new novel in Braille for reading.

Meanwhile in a mining town in Germany, an orphan named Werner grew up with younger sister, Jutta . He find short-wave radio was broken in the back of her house then fix it with the talent present at birth. Werner become experts in installing and repairing all electronic instruments. His talent was made he was stationed at the academy brutal Hitler Youth, then he gets a special assignment to track down the rebels.

When the Nazis invaded France in 1940, Marie-Laure fled with his father to Saint-Malo to take refuge with his uncle Etienne and storing diamonds sought by Germany. Unbeknownst to marie her father had hidden the diamonds in replica wooden houses. Before long he was captured by the German army and left together etienne marie.
 It's a story began in 1944 when Werner was sent by the German troops to Saint-Malo to track down and destroy a mysterious intelligence broadcast delivery. Marie and etienne was the one who had made the broadcast in order to take the fight against jerman. not long  werner know this but still let marie warner doing that. This meeting gave rise to a strong bond and create Werner compelled to save lives marie and sent away. on the way werner illness severe enough, though gradually improving but werner make a mistake when entering the field of land mines at night and ended up with had to lose his life.

Thirty years later, Jutta, brother Werner, obtaining information from a long association Werner that contains information about the death of the kaka. Jutta trip to France with his son Max, where he met Marie in the museum where his father worked. marie found that the house where the Sea Flames miniature hidden. The story ends with Marie-Laure, now aged 86 years, walking with his granddaughter on the streets of Paris where he grew up.

1.      The severity of the second world war period behind the story of Marie-Laure blind and a German engineer named Werner Pfennig.
S: Marie-Laure & Werner Pfennig.
V: the second world war

2.      Her father build a perfect miniature of the surrounding environment
S: Her father
V: build

3.      Marie learned to read Braille
S: Marie
V: Learned

4.      He find short-wave radio was broken
S: He
V: Find

5.      Her father gave her new novel in Braille
S: Her father
V: gave

6.      her father had hidden the diamonds
S: her father
V: hidden

7.      Werner was sent by the German troops to Saint-Malo
S: Werner
V: sent

8.      Marie and etienne was the one who had made the broadcast in order to take the fight against jerman
S: Marie and etienne
V: broadcas

9.      Jutta trip to France
S: Jutta
V: trip

10.  Marie walking with his granddaughter on the streets of Paris
S: Marie
V: walking