Senin, 02 Mei 2016

Tugas Softskill (B. Inggris 2)

 Plans After Graduation

Nama: Ratna
Kelas :4ea11
Npm :16212043

After graduating in fact i want to open a business, but before that i want to work in the company first. Why work at the company? in addition to capital i also want to know the market share that i ccan achive, as well the experience.  by working in the company i can add link and reference to business i want to do later. if the desire to open up business achieved i want to open a buisiness in the area of foof. Because i think everyone would need food and no oe who does not eat so it seem like it is the business that generate profits.

i want to open a business because my father was an enterpreneur and i often help, at that time i ever had to try on part time job. after i compare working with other and open a business, both of which are tiring but very different sense of satisfaction, a sense of statisfaction that come with opening a buusiness is great than working with others. considering the profit obtained also for us not others.

Another reason is because i want to develop a business that my father founded i think if i wa able to develop this business then it will be a prode for my parents. so like any way i should able entrepreneurship. either build it yourself or continue withmy father business.

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